วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Video Tester Jobs- How to Get Video Game Tester Jobs

You Like To Play Video Games -Find Video Game Tester Jobs
You can use different ways to find video game tester jobs .

Following a few of them :

1. With the help of your friends

Having a fiend thatt works in a video game company is really a great
opportunity that you can use in finding video game tester jobs .This is
for sure the most no brainer way to get work in this company .Ask him/her
to give you the tips on how to get a video game testing job in the company
in which he/she works.Working in such a company makes him/her able to help
you get a testing job .

2. Newspapers , classified sites and game related magazines

If you are lucky enough you could find one in the classified sections of
newspapers .Make it a habit to search in the classified sections of
newspapers every day , better if you try the big ones , you could expect
by far more thatt the will have such ads that the smaller ones .There are
people who found this way testing jobs even it seems unlikely , but it
surely works for real .Search Craigslists , Backpage , Kijiji or many
other related online classified sites. You could find some video game
tester jobs there . Magazines that talk about games should not be left
out. Glance through game related sites and see if you can find any
vacancy. Most game magazines know thatt people are interested in stuffs
like this, so they make out space to talk about it, thereby attracting
advertisers to place tester jobs there.

3. Video game producers websites

Run throughvideo game producers' websites.I guess you know them; they are
Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo, Code masters, Sony and the rest of others.
Search their websites and surfing them all around you could find some
video game tester jobs available . Use the search box provided at their
website to search for "video game testing jobs" or "beta testing". This is
an intelligent way to stay up to date with job postings.

4.Make direct contacts

Mainly the most advised way to find video game tester jobs . It mainly
benefits people thatt stay in the big cities like NY, LA, because only a
trial will convince and don't let the big city advantage to discourage
your dream. Approach video game companies, visit their office and tell
them your attention of wanting to test games for them. Tell them about all
the games thatt you have played and which game do you own . Convince them
on how you going to make a good testing job. Convince them about how good
and motivated you are and define yourself as the person that they need to
have their job well done .

5. Video game tester jobs sites

There are actually websites thatt show you list of video game companies
hiring testers. This is a quicker way to guide you through all the hassles
most gamers thatt aspire to be a game tester pass through before they get
the job of their dream.
It is not easy to find a video game job sites out there with many
companies in their database and most of them could be waste of money, as
in scam sites, but a careful search is really going to give you what you
need. One of the best sites I recommend for finding a guide to testing job
is Video Game Tester Jobs.They have already found the companies that are
looking for testers in a monthly basis , they come out with fresh opening
monthly, and they will even teach you exactly what are the expectancies on
you as a tester even if you are a beginner or advanced offering you a
short tutorial video and I bet you thatt this course is going to enhance
your chances of getting this video game testing job.

