gadgets are coolest, but in a sea of handy gizmos, these are my five
wicked cool gadgets.
1. Sony's eBook Reader: Sleek and compact, this hand-held reader can hold
160 e-books on its own and even more with a memory card. I am a voracious
reader and this cool tool lets me take my whole library along wherever I
go. Recipes, reference materials, study guides and entertainment are at
your fingertips with Sony's reader. Downloading from Sony's online store
is a snap and the selection of titles is massive. $300.00 is a steal for a
device that crams a world of knowledge into your back pocket.
2. Garmin Nuvi 660 GPS: Complete with real-time traffic tracking, this
$700.00 unit allows you to re-calculate your route with the push of a
button before you get into trouble. If you're unfamiliar with the area,
let Nuvi suggest alternate routes for you. There's a $60.00 annual fee for
the tracking service which pays for itself in fuel savings in no time.
3. APC Biometric Password Reader: This fingerprint reader is a great way
to safeguard all of your important computer files, is smaller than a
mouse, allows for the registration of up to 20 fingerprints and can be had
for around $50.00. It's easy to install and use, the built-in software
talks you right through the process. If you've got data you want to
protect, this is a great way to do it without breaking the bank.
4. Nintendo Wii Game System: Maybe this one should rank higher than fourth
because it is the first gadget I've ever owned that actually gets your
bottom out of a chair, but it is still a game console after all. Equipped
with a fitness module, the Wii will provide endless hours of active fun
for your family and helps track fitness goals as well. Since this hot item
joined the family, my living room has become the place to be. Simple to
hook up, there's a slight learning curve to using the remote and nunchuk,
but the games are so addictive you'll feel like a pro by the end of day
one. Not only do the players have a good time, most Wii games make great
spectator sport. This is the best $250.00 I've ever spent. I can't stop
bowling. I really can't.
5. Meade CaptureView 8X42 2MP Digital Camera Binocular with LCD Screen:
Sitting in the cheap seats at your daughter's recital? Getting a nosebleed
at your son's football game? The Meade CaptureView Binocular/Digital
Camera solves the problem for a cool $160.00. It beats the zoom feature on
a regular digital camera because you can watch events through the
binoculars. At only 2 megapixels, it's a bit on the low-tech side but
higher megapixel units are on the near horizon. Give this technology time
and you'll be bird watching and practicing your nature photography all
with one cool gadget. Did I mention it records video too? Add a memory
card and you're good to go.